Wednesday, November 16, 2016

The Tragic End of the Hugh Martin

View of Washington Landing in Rhea County (+35.53624, -84.87965) from the bridge on William Jennings Bryan Highway.

Photo from Google maps

 It was not unusual for steamboats to have accidents.  Navigating the river was a dangerous occupation, during dry seasons boats could run aground, they could sink when rain caused the creeks   to swell as the water rushed down the mountains to the river.  Also floods would push debris into the water and river men needed to be on the look out for partially sunken logs.
When boats sunk or wrecked, they were pulled up from the river and often left on the bank where it would be either sold or repaired when possible.

The steamer Hugh Martin exploded her boiler at Washington Landing, on the Tennessee River, on Saturday, causing a complete wreck of the boat. Four persons were killed. (The Times, Philadelphia, PA, 17 Aug 1875, Tue, p. 1)

Details of the Hugh Martin Disaster
A gentleman who left this city Saturday night on the Lucy Coker for Washington,and returned yesterday morning, on the same boat, furnishes the following correct list of killed and wounded by the explosion of the boiler of the Hugh Martin.
Jacob Fritz, Captain;
Ely, L , a passenger. The officers of the Hugh Martin did not remember his name, except that it was Ely and his last name began with L. He got on at Knoxville and was going to Igos landing. Oliver Henry, son of Wm. R.Henry, of Washington, owner of the landing. Oliver was standing on the landing when the explosion occurred and a piece of lumber struck him and broke his neck.
Wm. Hood, Mate, of Kingston. He had a leg broken and was burned and bruised on face and body. Injuries very serious. John Henson, Pilot, was bruised but not seriously. He went home on the M. Bishop Sunday morning. -Edward Mead, passenger, Civil Engineer on the Cincinnati Southern .Railroad, formerly on the Cumberland, now on the survey at Nashville, was bruised on face and muscles of neck, and had a shoulder strained. His injuries are not regarded as dangerous, and Mr. Wherry informs us that when he left, Mr. Mead was sitting up in bed smoking a cigar. Mr. Mead said that be heard the explosion and found himself turning somersaults in the air, and finally brought up on shore. L. D. Polston, passenger, a carpenter of Rutherford county, lately employed on the Cincinnati Southern Railroad, was burned and bruised slightly.
He came down on the Coker and left for home on the Nashville train. Jesse Benson, colored, deck hand from Montgomery,Ala., got a compound fracture of the leg below the knee. His is a bad case. Ben. Hightower, colored, deck band from Dalton, Georgia, was injured internally, probably fatally. John Black, colored, deck hand from Kingston, Tennessee, had his leg burned, not seriously. Ben. Saddoth, col. deck hand, from Roane county, got a broken thigh; Thomas Weaver, colored, deck hand, from Knoxville, Tenn., broken leg; Dan Devans, colored, deck hand, severely bruised.
All the above wounded, are at Washington, except Benson and Polston.
The following
Medical Men
have been in attendance upon the wounded; Dr Jones and others of Washington, Drs Mynatt and J T Abernathy of Rhea Springs, Dr Bevin of Decatur. These people have done everything in their power for the comfort of the sufferers by the catastrophe.

Capt. Frits's Body
was found late Monday evening at Tucker's Landing, some 17 miles below Washington, by some residents of the community, who carried the news to the news to the city of Knoxville. The City of Knoxville at once steamed down the river, took the body on board. brought it to
Chattanooga last night and placed it in a burial case and departed at once for Kingston, where the funeral must have taken place today.
The body was greatly disgured, but still easily recognized.

The Cause of the Explosion
The best authorities think that the explosion was caused by the boiler becoming red hot while the nose was resting on the bank, and the water, being too low, fell to the rear of the boiler, leaving the front bare. When the boat drew away from the bank and resumed an even keel, the water came rushing over the heated boiler and was flashed at once into steam, producing tremendous pressure. The pieces of the boiler were examined with much care. None of them would weigh over 200 pounds and they were torn across the seams (?). There were no signs of corresion.
The force executed seemed more like that of nitro glycerine than the ordinary power of steam. The engineer had started the boat and called a negro who understood engines and told him to
watch the throttle valve, while be went upon the upper deck; and the explosion occurred was on his way up. The negro said the guage showed 165 pound of steam.

Feeling Is Very Strong
against the engineer, but the fact seems to be that there was carelessness all around and the accident will be a warning to our river men for some time to come.

Nashville union and American. (Nashville, Tenn.), 18 Aug. 1875. Chronicling America: Historic American Newspapers. Lib. of Congress. Link )

Friday, August 26, 2016

The Constitution of Tennessee

Tennessee Constitution of 1796

Tennessee constitutional convention delegates met in Knoxville in January 1796 to write a constitution for a new state. This was a requirement for requesting Congress to grant statehood. Constitutional Convention 1796: Link

Free males over 21, who owned at least 200 acres and had lived in the territory for three years could vote. 
Read it here: Link
More here: Link

Tennessee Constitution of 1834

Read it here: Link

When the Tennessee Constitutional Convention of 1834 came together, it was flooded with petitions from all parts of the State, and especially from East Tennessee, praying for immediate emancipation. Nearly one third of the members of that body voted in favor of the action requested. But the majority turned a deaf ear to all entreaties and spread upon the journal an elaborate paper written by that astute lawyer John A McKinney, who sat for the County of Hawkins, in defense of their action. The remarkable thing about the paper, which I have published in full in the Quarterly Review of the Methodist Episcopal Church South for April 1892, is that it fully and frankly concedes slavery to be a great evil, and predicts that in some way or other its abolition is sure to come. The protest of the minority which was also made a matter of record was as strong a document as Wendell Phillips or William Lloyd Garrison ever wrote. It reads as if it might have come from one or the other of those radical reformers.
But after the year 1840- perhaps a little later- slavery came to be considered a fixed thing in Tennessee. Free debate concerning it was not longer tolerated, though many persons continued to cherish in silence the conviction that it was a great evil. Perhaps the last open utterance on the subject was in an address delivered by the Hon John M Lea before the Apprentice's Union at Nashville in 1841. Judge Lea is still living as fine a specimen of a cultivated and high minded gentleman as can be found in these United States. He is a son of the Hon Luke Lea, who as Congressman from the Knoxville District, secured David Farragut his position as midshipman in the United States Navy. I may also add that he was himself a large slaveholder and treated his slaves with such humanity and consideration that when emancipation came they were all capable of making a comfortable support for themselves. By his own testimony they are now- such of them as are still living- doing better for themselves than they did when they belonged to him.
The reasons for the sudden arrest of the reform that seemed to be imminent may be set down under four heads:
1. There was a natural resentment of the interference of the North which whether justly or unjustly was looked upon as an impertinence.
2. There was a growing fear fed by such incidents as the Nat Turner insurrection in Virginia that the further agitation of the question would lead to tumult and insurrection. Men who knew something from history as to what a servile war meant, might be excused if they shuddered at the mere prospect of such a thing.
3. There was a perplexing doubt as to what woud or could be done with the slaves if they were set free. Did not this doubt have some rational foundations? Do we yet know what the final results of emancipation are to be? As late as 1866, the Hon Horace Menard predicted that it would prove the euthanasia of the negro race. Is the man alive who would now venture to give any definite opinion on the subject? One thing is certain the stroke of Mr Lincoln's pen that set these ebon millions free raised almost as many questions as it settled.
4. In consequence of the invention of the cotton gin, slavery became what it had never before been, a very profitable institution. Human greed and avarice were thereby enlisted in favor of its perpetuation. No wonder that it got a new lease of life. Let not our Northern friends be too critical of us on this score. They had no vested interests to interfere with the operation of their benevolent sentiments. The notion that if conditions had been reversed they would have exhibited a loftier and more unselfish morality than the Southerners did is one of those pleasant delusions which the attentive student of human nature does not think it worth while to consider with anything like a careful scrutiny. It were easy to be virtuous, did virtue consist in denying to another man his cakes and ale. All this is now past. Let us be thankful that it is so. Who does not rejoice in his inmost heart that no man woman or child can now be held in bondage where the flag of the Republic floats? Who does not wish that the emancipated slaves should enjoy to the full the fruits of their freedom in increasing wealth, growing intelligence, and an improved morality. To assess the responsibility of the different sections of the country for the introduction and perpetuation of the evil system from which we are now happily released, would be an impossible task. That is a matter that must be settled at a more august and impartial tribunal than has ever yet been set up on this earth. But we can nevertheless, without thinking of the errors and mistakes of the past, address ourselves to the glorious work of lifting up all the citizens of our land to the highest level on which it is possible for them to stand. The past is history. But the present is in our hands. (Source: Elihu Embree, Abolitionist, Elijah Embree Hoss, University Press Co., 1897, pp. 26-28)

Suggested Reading:AFRICAN SLAVERY AND THE TENNESSEE CONVENTION OF 1834, (Quarterly Review of the Methodist Episcopal Church, South, Volume 12, Issue 1,Bigham & Smith, 1892, p 118) Article Starts on page 118 Link

Tennessee Constitution: Link

The Progress of Emancipation in Tennessee, 1796-1860 James W. Patton Justor: Link

Friday, July 1, 2016

Celebrating The Fourth of July in Knoxville

The Fourth of July!
The only preparation made to celebrate the 4th of July in this vicinity, is the picnic of the
railroad employees and games and amusements at the Fair Grounds by the Irish Benevolent Society.

The train leaves East Tennessee, Virginia and Georgia Railroad Depot at 7 o'clock promptly
for the railroad picnic to take place on the 4th of July at Maryville. (1871)

From 1872



The day promises to be more generally celebrated than any Anniversary day since 1861.
Every effort has been made to have it pass off to the satisfaction of all concerned. The 4th of July belongs to American citizens,without reference to party or creed, and we hope to see today an old fashioned celebration in which all will participate. There will probably be a large number of people here to welcome Gen Burnside, of whom so far as East Tenn is concerned, it can safely be said he is " first in the hearts of his countrymen."
No name is more generally respected or will provoke more universal than that of Gen. Burnside. Friend as well as foe respected him for s integrity and kindness of heart, and no cornmander ever won from his troops a more theerful or willing service. He stunds as a commander without
dishonor, who exercised his authority humanely,with due regard to the rights of all who were under his command, whether soldier or citizen. To such a man, we can bid welcome to East Tennessee and extend the homage due to a brave sodier and an honest citizen. (Source: Knoxville weekly chronicle. (Knoxville, Tenn.), 08 July 1874. Chronicling America: Historic American Newspapers. Lib. of Congress. Link)

General Santa Anna's Fourth of July "visit" and more stories from Jack Neely. Link

Tuesday, June 14, 2016

The Incredible Story of Thomas G Boyd Part 6

Life after Prison

Thomas G. Boyd, late of the Nashville penitentiary, for offenses committed, against the United States " revenue department, has started out on a lecturing tour. Subject, " The Tennessee penitentiary and its mode of government. He lectured at Madisonville last Monday night. (Source:Public ledger. (Memphis, Tenn.), 26 March 1877. Chronicling America: Historic American Newspapers. Lib. of Congress. Link

Thomas G. Boyd Killed
by His Nephew.

The Tr(a)gic Death of One of the Most Noted Characters in the State- A Lawsuit the Cause of the Murder
Special to the Chattanooga Times
Sweetwater, January 7, 1882.
A foul murder was committed in this town last night by Joe Boyd, of Atlanta, on his uncle, the notorious Thomas G. Boyd. Boyd made himself notorious a few years since by his swindling operations on the government he was an United States Claim Agent, and filed a large number of bogus claims, using the names ot alleged soldiers, who he said lived in North Carolina. When the swindle was discovered, he fled the country. In order to cover his escape, he had the bones of a negro exhumed and burned in a brush pile, and his friends spread the report that the charred remains were his. The story was discredited, and his chief bondsman, Louis Lenoir, put a detective on his track, and finally captured him in Canada. he was tried and sentenced to the penitentiary for ten years and to pay a heavy fine. He had considerable property, and in order to protect himself transferred it to Jesse Williams, a kinsman. He was pardoned before he served his time and returned to Sweetwater, and was recently elected to a position ot trust in the county, being a man of remarkable popularity, not withstanding the cloud on his name.

 Some time since he attempted to regain his property from Williams, but the latter refused to surrender it, and it is believed that it was on account of this lawsuit that Joe Boyd, of Atlanta, a brother-in-law of William, killed him. Boyd came to Sweetwater Friday afternoon, and had several conferences with his uncle, which seemed to be satisfactory. Last night he went to his house and deliberately shot him with a pistol, the bullet penetrating his heart and killing hm instantly.
JosephnBoyd was arrested and committed. He is a young man, aged about 23, a son of Andy Boyd, of Atlanta. Thomas G. Boyd leaves a large family.

Knoxville Chronicle, S.l
The general impression seems to be that the difficulty originated in hard feelings which have existed between the deceased and other relatives, among whom was Joseph Boyd, in regard to a lawsuit which has been pending in the courts tor some years, and through which, by means of a decision of the Supreme Court, at its last session in Knoxville, Thomas G. Boyd came into possession of a large amount of valuable property in and around Sweetwater. Thomas G. Boyd gained much notoriety a few years since in the fact that he was detected in a stupendous scheme ot defrauding the government
in the matter of claims, he being a claim agent. He disappeared, and the report was given out that ha was murdered and his body burned, and the charred remains were taken up and buried. The remains turned out however, to be those of a dead negro, which had been exhumed and prepared for the occasion, and the real Thomas G. Boyd was afterward arrested in Canada, brought back to Knoxville,
where, after a lengthy trial, he was convicted and served a term in the penitentiary. He returned from prison and to his old home at Sweetwater and set to work at once to re establish himself. He was first elected Justice of the Peace and afterward Mayor of Sweetwater. He was a man of great vigor and enterprise, and was driving a good business in Sweetwater in two or three different lines. He had been
a large purchaser of hogs and stock during the present season, and operated on quite an extensive scale
He leaves a wife and family of three children and a large circle of relatives throughout East Tennessee.

He is buried in West View Cemetery in Monroe County, Tennessee. Find a Grave link.

The Incredible Story of Thomas G Boyd Part 5

The Verdict

Thomas G Boyd, of Sweetwater, Tenn., the hero of the Laurel mountain mystery, has been convicted of defrauding the Government out of large sums of money and sent to the Penitentiary at
Nashville for a five years term, and fined $5,000.
The Verdict: (Source: The Bolivar bulletin. (Bolivar, Hardeman County, Tenn.), 07 Feb. 1873. Chronicling America: Historic American Newspapers. Lib. of Congress. Link


Thos. G Boyd had his wish gratified so far as a quick transit to the goal was concerned, and, as is known, left Knoxville last Friday night for Nashville, where he was met nt the depot in that city by Deputy Warden Jo. J. Ivins and conveyed in a close carriage to the penitentiary. He was cheerful enough and shook hands cordially with several acquaintances whom he met.

On arriving at the penitentiary Boyd was much chagrined to learn, after "registering" his name was gone through with, that it would be necessary for him to assume the picturesque costume worn by the
prisoners. ( Prison Source Link)

While he was in prison, his wife wrote to political figures asking for leniency or a pardon for her husband.

Letter to Ulysses S Grant Link

Letter to Andrew Johnson by Louisa R Boyd Link

The Incredible Story of Thomas G Boyd Part 4

The trial

The prosecution expected to show that the said Martha J. Upton, widow of Frank Upton, a deceased. Federal soldier, lad only four children, Boyd having fraudulently filled up the original application
for six. The said Martha J. Upton, being unable to read or write had made the afadavit, being ignorant of its real contents, On this application a pension was allowed. The prosecution charges that Boyd paid over less than the amount to which four children were entitled, while he had fraudulently procured an allowance for six. Judge Nelson, counsel for Boyd, said that, in the defense it would be insisted that n large portion of the evidence received on a former trial was not admissible. That Boyd was wholly guiltless in this transaction, Martha J. Upton having repeatedly sworn that she had six children. That Boyd had paid her a small sum more than she was entitled to. That the material witnesses for the prosecution were ignorant negroes, wholly incredible, some of whom they expected to impeach.

Samuel Elliot was then called and examined for the Government. He lives in Monroe, county and had resided there for 22 years. He was very positive that he did not die in the Fall of l863, as had been alleged bv Boyd in his application for pension for his minor children. On being asked if he had any children, he said his wife had some. He had no child named Sarah, nor none named Barton. He lived 12 miles from Madisonville and had known Boyd for many years. Boyd also knew him. He lived seven years on Kelso's farm. He was certain that he had never died and came back to the world to persecute Boyd. (Laughter) He knew of no other Samuel Elliot except his little boy, who had been born since this trouble commenced. Being cross-examined by Mr. Cocke, he said he knew no other Samuel Elliott. He was called upon to five the names of his children, which he did, showing they were identical with the names in the alleged fraudulent claim except two, which were different. He knew no Samuel Elliott in Georgia who had died in the Federal army. His first wife's maiden name was Nancy Stilwell. His present wife's maiden name was Mary Cline.

T. K. Cole was called. He was a member of Capt Bryson's company. Couldn't tell where the company was in November,1863. He was raised in North Carolina. He knew no one in the company named Samuel Elliott. He had a brother who afterwards enlisted in the l0th Tennessee regiment and died of small pox.
Cross-examination- he was a private in the company and could not tell the number of persons in it. Neither could he remember all the names but repeated some of them. Bryson's company noted as scouts and were often on duty in squads. Col. Johnson was re-called and proved the handwriting of Boyd in an original application for pension, made by Boyd as the guardian of six minor children of George Rose, who was alleged to have died of gun-shot wounds received at Cokee Creek in Monroe county in November, 1863. Other collateral papers were presented in this case, embracing paid cheeks, with Boyd's endorsement, showing that as guardian of the six minor children of George Rose, he had received from the Government at one time, $1,218 and at two other times $54 each. George Rose was called and testified he had married in Cherokee county. North Carolina, where he still resides. He had two living children and one dead. He knew of no other man of his name in that county where he had a general acquaintance. He bad never been a member of Capt. Bryson's Company. He still lives in Cherokee county and had never been dead. His wife had never married anybody else, unless she had done it since he left home. Cross-examined, he said he had a prettv general acquaintance in a portion of the county. He did not propose to know every man.
Col. Johnson was again called and testified to Boyd's handwriting in two applications for pension one for Susannah Davis, widow of Jas. K. Davis, Co. I or L. 9th Pennsylvania veteran volunteers, and another as widow of Jas. Davis, late of Co. B. 8th regiment Indiana volunteers. In each of these applications, the midden name of Susannah Davis was stated to have been Susannah Raper. The date of marriage were identical and the minister solemizing the rites of matrimony was the same in each case,
Susannah Davis (colored) was called. She said her maiden name was Raper. Her first husband's name was Fletcher and her second was named James Davis. She was married to Davis two or three years before the war. Her last husband died in the Federal army. She had made application to Mr. Petitt to prosecute her claim for a pension. Then she went to see Boyd, who told her he could get her a pension. She had received $328 from Boyd. Upon cross examination she said that she had no other agent except Boyd. Mr. Campbell paid her ten dollars of the amount received. She had received an order to Boyd's store for $15. Jeff, Carson paid her $240 in cash. Alvin Boyd paid her $48. She was sworn once before Mr Petitt and another before Mr Montgomery. Alvin Boyd went with her to Mr. Montgomery's. Thomas G. Boyd was not there. She did not know where he was.

The Incredible Story of Thomas G Boyd Part 3

Morning Session

At the hour of 10 o'clock, yesterday morning a large crowd of spectators were at the Federal Court room, to witness the presentation of an affidavit for the continuance of cases there pending against Thomas. G. Boyd, whose name has figured in such an unenviable manner in the public mind for some time past. After the record of the previous day's proceedings was read by the clerk, Mr. Aiken Boyd made his appearance. He seemed to be in good spirits, and cordially shook hands with a number of
acquaintances whom he met as he made his way through the audience to the clerk's desk, where he made affidavit for continuance of the case. Judge Nelson then proceeded to read the affidavit, which is very lengthy and alleges, among other things, the absence of material witnesses and what he expects to prove by them.
He was being pursued by government officials who were eagerly prosecuting him, and that in an evil hour, in a moment of depression, without consulting his counsel, he determined to make his escape, he details the circumstances or his arrest and "voluntary" return to Tennessee, with which facts our readers are familiar. He makes complaint of certain newspaper articles in the Knoxville press by which public opinion was prejudiced against him, and speaks of the loathsome cells of the Knoxville jail. He alleges a dangerous combination to effect his conviction, by intimidation of witnesses, & c.

Afternoon Session

Boyd was offered bond again!

The hearing of the Boyd trial was resumed on a motion of the defendant's counsel to give bail for his appearance. John S. Thomas, of Bristol, proffered to go on the prisoner's bond, slating that he
was worth the requisite amount of money. His credibility was assailed by the counsel for the Government, which involved considerable discussion, when the witness was withdrawn.
Thomas Boyd, uncle of the prisoner, was the next surety offered, who made oath that he was worth
more than $5,000, clear of all debts. J. Galbraith, of Concord, was next offered, who testified that he owned property in excels of his debts to the value of $3,500. Jesse E. Williams, of Concord, did not
make it appear clearly that he was worth the necessary amount and stood aside. A. W. Boyd testified that he was already surety in other cases for about $8,000, and that was the full value of unembarrassed property.
Thomas Boyd was accepted as surety for the first case and the same and Mr. Galbraith for the case following. The rest were refused.
(Source: Knoxville weekly chronicle. (Knoxville, Tenn.), 29 Jan. 1873. Chronicling America: Historic American Newspapers. Lib. of Congress.Link)

The Incredible Story of Thomas G Boyd Part 2

The escape route of Thomas G Boyd from Google maps


Nothing definite was known by the public of his whereabouts, until the l5th instant, when a dispatch was received from L. W. Lenoir, from Detroit, Michigan, bearing date the day previous, and addressed to his uncle, I. T. Lenoir, announcing the arrest of Boyd in Ontario, and that they might be expected in a few days, together with one from the fugitive himself requesting hut a cell in the Knoxville jail be made comfortable for his occupation.
His whereabouts in Canada was first discovered by some letters addressed to friends in Sweetwater asking for papers with an account of Boyd's assination. These letters came in the name of a man in the far West who wrote by solicitation of a man in Canada, whom the western man at once suspected as Boyd. With this trail his final hiding place was discovered and his arrest secured. He arrived on the 18th inst., an account of which, together with the adventures of Mr. Lenoir as s detective, was published the day following in the Chronicle, which, together with his presentment before the court and failing to give bail, are fuels as to an occurrence to need recapitulation, as they were published in full at the time.

This condensed statement brings the read step by step, without a link broken, up to the proceedings of the Court on Wednesday, the 22d Inst., when the last expedient of eminent counsel having failed to delay the cause, the defendant was placed on trial, from which time to date, the proceedings are in full.
(Source: Knoxville weekly chronicle. (Knoxville, Tenn.), 29 Jan. 1873. Chronicling America: Historic American Newspapers. Lib. of Congress. Link

The incredible story of Thomas G. Boyd Part 1

Thomas G Boyd was born on April 4, 1840. He married Louisa Thomas and lived in Monroe County. He was a Civil War veteran, serving in the 3rd Regiment, Tennessee Mounted Infantry (Lillard's).

After the war, he placed ads to help people obtain government pensions.

Photo Credit: The Sweetwater forerunner. (Sweetwater, Tenn.), 20 Aug. 1868. Chronicling America: Historic American Newspapers. Lib. of Congress. Link

Readers unfamiliar with the Boyd case will need some explanation of his attempted escape and rumored assassination. Indicted in some eighteen cases for frauds on the United States in making out and collecting fraudulent pension claims he was bailed by friends in the sum of $36,000.
Finding the evidence against him accumulating and the charges weighing upon him, he grew desperate, as his counsel explained it, and determined to escape. It is charged that his frauds amount to some $50,000. In order to protect his bondsmen from paying his bail money, he desired it to appear that he was "assassinated."

On Sunday, the fifth of last September, information was telegraphed from Sweetwater to Knoxville that Thomas G. Boyd had been murdered the Friday previous on Laurel Branch, near the North Carolina
State line, by masked kuklux, who after threatening his companions with instant death, shot Lloyd in their presence and mysteriously disappeared, when after the lapse of several hours the men with him, Reagar and Hensley, were released from their bonds and told to leave.
They told this tale, but people were slow to believe it and rigid investigations were made, which resulted in the finding of a body horribly burned, which some few accepted as the remains of Boyd, who, us they professed to believe, had been murdered, and all traces of the crime attempted to be obliterated by an approved modern suttee.

The case was industriously worked up by Col. Whitney, a Government detective, and the charred remains identified as those of Samuel Bowles, a colored man who had died a short time previous ut Sweetwater, and whose corpse had been packed in charcoal, us is alleged by Boyd's direction, and taken to Eleazar church for burial, which is a comparatively short distance from where it was found.
Then followed its burial and the opening of the grave of the colored man which was found empty, succeeded by the examination of Reagan and Hensley before the officials of the government, together with other circumstances, all of which taken together placed the mysterious disappeared in a very unenviable light. It was supposed that Boyd had gone South and conjecture was right, for he went direct to New Orleans without halting, intending to go to Mexico, but the unsettled condition of affairs in that country induced him to change his mind and he concluded to brave the rigors of a Canadian winter in preference.

Tuesday, June 7, 2016

State Prison Nashville, Tennessee 1907 Menu

State Prison Nashville, Tennessee

Our Steward who has had more experience as a prison official than any one here has charge of the preparation of the food for the prisoners which is kept fresh in our cold storage. The following is an average menu which varies with the seasons.


Barbecued pork, apple butter, cake bananas, oranges, barbecued mutton, pickles, coffee with sugar, apples, light bread, sweet potatoes, mincemeat spies, buttermilk, candy ,cornbread.

Breakfast: Stewed beef, Irish potatoes, onions, cornbread and coffee 
Dinner: Boiled bacon, cabbage with vinegar, cornbread.
Supper: Molasses, prunes, cornbread, coffee, beef 

Breakfast: Beef hash with Onions, Irish potatoes, cornbread and coffee.
Dinner: Bacon, peas, green Onions, cornbread.
Supper: Molasses, stewed apples, cornbread and coffee

Breakfast: Fried bacon, fried hominy, raised gravy, corn bread and coffee.
Dinner: Bacon, new Irish potatoes, sliced tomatoes, cucumbers and onions with black pepper and vinegar, cornbread.
Supper: Molasses, stewed rice, light bread, buttermilk, coffee and bacon.

Breakfast: Beef hash, onions, Irish potatoes, cornbread and coffee.
Dinner: Bacon, soup beans, stewed corn, onions and cornbread.
Supper: Molasses, evaporated peaches, fried bacon, cornbread and coffee.

Breakfast: Beef stew, Irish potatoes, cornbread and coffee.
Dinner Stewed beef, baked sweet potatoes, stewed tomatoes and cornbread.
Supper: Molasses, light bread, buttermilk and coffee.

Breakfast: Beef hash with onions, Irish potatoes, cornbread and coffee.
Dinner: Bacon, kraut, baked Irish potatoes and cornbread.
Supper: Molasses, stewed apples, cornbread, coffee, beef.

Breakfast: Fried bacon, fried onions, evaporated apples, raised gravy, cornbread and coffee.
Dinner: Peas, green corn, radishes, cornbread, buttermilk and beef.
No supper on Sundays 
(Source: Journal: Appendix Tennessee. General Assembly. Senate, 1907, p. 47-47, available on Google Books, Link

Thursday, June 2, 2016

Eliza B Wallace

Knoxville College  photo credit: "Knoxville-college-1903-tn1" by Unsigned photograph - H.F. Kletzing and W. H. Crogman, Progress of a Race: The Remarkable Advancement of the Afro-American (Napierville, Ill.: J.L. Nichols and Co.: 1903), p. 434. Downloaded from Google Books, Full View.. Licensed under Public Domain via Commons - Link

Eliza B Wallace was born on June 6, 1838 to John and Jane McClenanhan Wallace in Fairvew, Guerney County, Ohio.

Her brother David was president of Monmouth College when she attended.

Eliza Wallace lived in Illinois, in 1866, where she is listed as a Science Course Senior from Monmouth.
In 1870, Eliza Wallace lived in Monmouth, Illinois, in 1870.
Post Office: Monmouth, Occupation: College Professo

Eliza's brother David wrote the following about their parents:
She was eight years of agee when her parents came to America. They were married, June 14, 1825,
when they settled on a farm near Fairview. John Wallace was a ruling elder in the Fairview congregation of the Associate Reformed (Presbyterian) Church for over twenty years: first under the pastoral care of the Rev. Samuel Findley, D. D., afterward under that of the Rev. Hugh Forsythe. He died April 20, 1850.

His pastor, the Rev. Hugh Forsythe, writes: "He was a man of good sense, sound judgment, very judicious and very prudent. He was kind hearted. ln cases of discipline, if he erred at all. it was on the side of mercy. I suppose he had more influence over me than any other member of session. He had
great influence in the congregation. Two things gave him influence in congregational meetings, good
sense and a perfect willingness to do his part. He befriended a great many poor people, without respect
to race or color. When he was buried, some colored people, whom he had befriended, were standing near the grave looking into it while tears were rolling down their cheeks. John AVallace was emphatically the poor man's friend.'' (Source: A Busy Life: A Tribute to the Memory of the Rev. David A. Wallace, 1885, p. 5) Link

After Eliza Wallace graduated from Monmouth, she came to Knoxville, Tennessee where she worked with Knoxville College to provide better educational opportunities for black children.
Wallace Hall  Photo Credit: Brian Stansberry

She also worked to establish a school of nursing and a hospital.  The hospital was established soon after her death, and was commonly called the Eliza B. Wallace Hospital.
In 1882 she is listed in the city directory as a math teacher at Knoxville College.

SUMMARY: The aggregate enrollment in all the schools under uur care this year is 1,518 and in our Sabbath Schools over 1,600, showing a very encouraging increase over last year. Since our last report 110 students from our school were engaged in teaching in the public schools. Of these 90 received their education wholly or in part in the Knoxville College. Source:Minutes of the General Assembly of the United Presbyterian ..., Volumes 25-28, Board of Publication, 1883, p. 73) Link

"Knoxville exhibits an increase in enrollment the number now being 328. Religious services were conducted regularly with spirit and with profit throughout the year. The normal department received particular attention and it has been especially satisfactory," (Source:Minutes of the General Assembly of the United Presbyterian ..., Volumes 25-28, Board of Publication, 1883, p.426)

KNOXVILLE: The work here has gone forward without interruption. The only change worthy of note is in the afternoon service on the Sabbath. Instead of holding the Sabbath school in the College in the afternoon, two school houses have been occupied. One is a quarter of a mile distant and the other two miles. At the nearest school house very few attend aside from the pupils who attend at the College in the morning. At the other school house we reach those who seldom attend elsewhere. The design in this change was to lessen the number of meetings in the College building and leave the afternoon free and also to afford an opportunity to students and others to do missionary work. Very little difficulty has been experienced in securing volunteers for the afternoon Sabbath schools. There is a Sabbath school in the morning followed by a sermon. The same personns, old and young, are present in the Sabbath school and at church Prayer Meetings. Two prayer meetings are held on Sabbath evening, one for males and the other for females. These are attended by students mainly who are living in the dormitories. A prayer meeting is held on Monday morning, at which all the students attend and which they conduct, as they do the others themselves.
Day of Prayer for Colleges This day was observed and in addition to a sermon in the morning a prayer meeting was held in the afternoon by the students. Extra Meetings were held throughout the last week of March. They were arranged so as not to interrupt the regular work and were attended with interest bible Lesson. The International Sabbath school lesson for the following Sabbath is recited on Monday, and both teachers and pupils are better prepared for the work ni the Sabbath. The Congregation has 81 colored members and 10 white. Increase by profession 3, by certificate 3, decrease 16, Infant baptisms 7, adult 8. Contributions to all the Boards $49. Total $180.
Average attendance: 161, at nearest school house 70, at the other 36.
The laborers here are: President JS McCulloch, Lady Principal Miss Eliza B Wallace, teachers: DT McClelland, Edgar MacDill, Mac H Wallace, Mrs AH Wait, Miss Ida McCulloch, Miss Henrietta Mason (colored) and Miss Maggie McDill. Miss McDill has charge of the Little Girls Home and Mrs Mary J Johnston has charge of the work in kitchen and dining room.

Miss Mary L Buchanan has assisted throughout the year in the Sabbath school and sewing without pecuniary compensation. She has also given lessons in instrumental music at half the ordinary rates ot tuition.
The Enrollment for the year is 202. The attendance was seriously affected by the prevalence of small pox in the vicinity during December and January. At no time however did a panic seize the students nor was a discontinuance of the school seriously threatened. For this we are devoutly thankful to God. One of the most encouraging things in the work of this year is the disposition of the students to hold on till the end of the term and pass through the examinations preparatory to regular promotion. Some however are still compelled to leave in order to earn money for the support of themselves and their parents. Sewing School The sewing school has been conducted this year very much as it was last year. Nearly all the girls in the school are divided into three classes supervised by teachers. They sew by hand forty minutes a day, and while they sew, they sing, or some one reads from an interesting and instructive book, so that the sewing hour combines both pleasure and profit, Students are encouragud to make garments for their own use and some are able to cut out as well as sew. They have the privilege of purchasing any garment thus made for about half the price of the material. The beginners have made patches for several quilts and put them together and the more advanced have made about 160 garments. A Mother's Meeting was carried on from September 1st to March 16th. It was held on Friday afternoons when about two hours were spent. It was opened and closed with devotional exercises, memorizing scriptures, singing and prayer, and a talk was given on the lesson sometime during the meeting.
Miss Wallace, Mrs McCulloch, and Miss Buchanan had charge of this work. The enrollment was 69; garments cut and made: 275, material used: 600 yards, receipts from garments sold: $24.38, expenditures: $11. About 30 boxes and packages of bed clothing, wearing apparel, material and papers have been received from Ladies Missionary Societies and individuals. These have been distributed with much care so as not to encourage thriftlessness. Comparatively few articles are given away. The prices are very low, but the money thus obtained serves to keep up the sewing schools and is used to assist the needy, both in health and when sick.
Colored Teachers About 70 who have at some time attended the College have been engaged in teaching this year. Their schools continued from two to seven months the average being less than four, perhaps. They taught in Tennessee, Virginia, North Carolina, Georgia, Alabama, Kentucky, and Arkansas. Many of them have taken an active part in Sabbath schools, and in this way not less than 3,000 have been educated to some extent indirectly through this institution.
Aid for Students As a church we are doing comparatively little in the way of direct personal aid to students, however deserving they may be. Some of the oldest colored institutions appeal annually to the churches for a large part of the money necessary for the support of the students. A large proportion of the students in some of the best colored colleges are helped from year to year to the extent of from $25 to $100. We have been entirely too modest in appealing for such help. Our own sons and daughters would in many instances give up in despair or disgust if they had to encounter the actual trials of some of the colored young men or women now in Knoxville College. The President says I could, if it were prudent, give names I could relate simple unvarnished facts. I could tell of patient long continued toil, of pinching economy, of self denial that would appeal powerfully to every real friend of the colored man. Here are boys and girls whom every member of the Faculty would deem it an honor to help through an education. Are there not generous individuals, and societies, and Sabbath schools, and churches ready to promise $25 a year or $50 a year for one such needy student? Let them send for the names and they will be furnished. When a young woman works hard all summer at low wages and succeeds in saving enough to barely support her four months, let us say to her that her heavenly Father has provided enough to finish. When a young man comes with $50 the savings of four months with pick and shovel let us relieve him from worry about the $25 or $50 more that may be needed.
Boarding Department There were 78 boarders this year. The number was not as great as last year. The falling off may be attributed partly to the increase in the price of boarding and partly to a wide spread rumor of small pox in the city referred to above. Among the boarders there are 4 who belong to the Presbyterian Church, 9 to the United Presbyterian, 12 to the Methodist, 14 to the Baptist. the others are not members of any church. What a work there is here to be done. The daily religious exercises consist of worship as in a Christian family all joining morning and evening in the service. Nearly all the boarders grouped in two companies agree to read the same chapters daily in their rooms and on Saturday evening they meet, each company with a teacher, and talk over the chapters read during the week. These meetings are voluntary but nearly all attend. They are opened and closed with prayer. This exercise seems to be much enjoyed and good must result from it. There is a reading room for the girls in this department which is of great benefit. It is open every evening. A donation of $50 worth of books was received from L MS of the Cleveland Ohio congregation. Also a donation from the Western Tract Society. For these good gifts the donors have cordial thanks.
Orphanage or Little Girls Home A new feature has been added to our work here under this title. Little girls from the age of 6 to 15 are received and kept in the Home during the entire term. These children have no homes of their own or live with relatives or strangers who are not able to support their own families. This Home had 8 little girls last year, all orphans or half orphans except one. They were under the charge of Miss Maggie McDill, who lives with them and does for them as nearly as possible all a mother could do. She teaches them to do all kinds of work and requires them to carefully prepare their lessons for school. The number would be greatly increased if the expense could be provided for. A business man in Chicago provides for half the support of two girls. He has our thanks and will have the blessing of the Lord. The Ladies Missionary Society of the Presbytery of Southern Illinois paid the salary of the matron Miss McDill last year and is deserving the thanks of the whole Church. This part of the work must be continued and enlarged. (Source:Minutes of the General Assembly of the United Presbyterian ..., Volumes 25-28, Board of Publication, 1883,p.767-769)

She died on December 12, 1897, at the home of her sister, in Pennsylvania, at the age of 59. Her death is listed in the Catalogue of Monmouth College, Illinois, 1906-1906 Link
Sad News.-President J. M. Wallace of the Salem Water Community,has received sad news of the death of his sister, Miss Eliza B. Wallace, in Waters Park, Pa., her demise occurring Sunday night. Miss Wallace's death was sudden and unexpected, in recent letter received by her brother
Indicating an Improvement In her slightly impaired health. Having held the important position of principal of the Knoxville college at Knoxville, Tenn., for the past 25 years, Miss Wallace was only obliged to resign her position owing to ill health.
Interment will be had in the family vault at the old home in Cambridge,Ohio.(Source: Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.), 14 Dec. 1897. Chronicling America: Historic American Newspapers. Lib. of Congress.) Link

One of her dreams did not come true during her lifetime. For years, Wallace wanted to establish a nurse-training program but could not find the funds. In her will, she bequeathed the money for such a program. The Wallace Memorial Hospital opened on the campus in 1907, 10 years after her death. The first black Red Cross nurse in the United States was Frances Elliott Davis who took her initial training at that hospital. Robert J Booker  Eliza B. Wallace

Knoxville College Hospital or Eliza B Wallace Hospital  Photo credit: Digital Initiatives, James E. Walker Library, Middle Tennessee State University, Contrubuted by Beck Cultural Exchange Center (accessed May 11, 2016).

Monday, May 30, 2016

Spanish- American War Veterans Buried in the National Cemetery in Knoxville

Knoxville National Cemetery

Adams, James M., Sgt.
 1st Wisconsin Volunteer Cavalry, Troop D Section B 3484, Link
Allen, William F.,
 3rd Tennessee Volunteer Infantry, Co. A Link
Anderson, Charles W.
 4th Tennessee Volunteer Infantry, Co. M (January 25, 1871 - January 27, 1957) Section B 4440, Link
Arrowood, James, Cpl.
 3rd Tennessee Volunteer Infantry, Co. K (May 5, 1875 - March 26, 1950) Section B 4278 Link
Askew,  John B., Cpl.
 1st Alabama Volunteer Infantry, Co. M (March 10, 1872 – February 26,1950) Section B 6234 Link
Avery, Isaac, Cpl.
 10th U.S. Volunteer Infantry, Co. I (Died March 3, 1943) Section C 4233 Link
Aytes, Wiley L.
 1st Texas Volunteer Infantry, Co. (24 Aug 1864- 12 Feb 1946) C Section B 4353 Link
Beeler, James H., Pvt.
 6th U.S. Volunteer Infantry, Co. F (October 5, 1875 - April 20, 1970) Section C, 7468 Link
*Bernard, John J., 2nd Lt.
 4th U.S. Infantry, Co. H (April 1, 1872 - July 1, 1898) Section 3243 Link
Berry, William Horace, Pvt.
 4th Tennessee Volunteer Infantry, Co. A (May 18, 1867- February 14, 1928) Link
National Cemetery, Knoxville, Knox Co., TN)
Billingsley, John W
Fourth Tennessee Infantry Co B( 21 November 1878- 2 December 1947) Link
Blackburn, Lewis L., Pvt.
 3rd Tennessee Volunteer Infantry, Co. M (Died December 13, 1943) Section B, 4268 Link
Bowing, Andrew, Pvt.
 6th U.S. Volunteer Infantry, Co. I (June 15, 1877 - November 8, 1953) (Section B 4399 Link
Bowman, Robert R., Sgt.
 1st Ohio Volunteer Infantry, Co. K (Dec. 10, 1877-Oct 11, 1972) Section C, 7286 Link
Boyer, Charles J., Pvt.
 1st Ohio Volunteer Infantry, Co. F (Died May 29, 1942) Section B 4199 Link
 4th Tennessee Volunteer Infantry, Co. F (Died June 24, 1943) Section B, 4244 Link
Brown, John Marshall Columbia, Pvt.
 3rd Tennessee Volunteer Infantry, Co. H (Died March 26, 1945) (Section B, 4312 Link
Buttram, Pleasant, Pvt.
 8th U.S. Volunteer Infantry, Co. D (November 6, 1877- March 14, 1947) Section C 4411 Link
Campbell, Luther S., Sgt.
 3rd Tennessee Volunteer Infantry, Co. C (Died: Jan 17, 1945) (Section B 4299 Link
Carey, George, Pvt.
 4th Tennessee Volunteer Infantry, Co. A (Died January 02, 1907) Section B 3385 Link
Carson, William L., Sgt.
 3rd North Carolina Volunteer Infantry, Co. F (Died July 1, 1932) Section C 3931 Link
Charles, Warren
 201st New York Volunteer Infantry, Co. H (September 5, 1876 - August 25, 1969) Section A, 5292 Link
Coffey, Franklin Calvin., Pvt.
 3rd Tennessee Volunteer Infantry, Co. C (Died January 22, 1939) Section B, 4094 Link
Cox, Bose, Pvt.
 8th U.S. Infantry, Co. E (July 9, 1878 - April 28, 1941) (Section B 4159 Link
Dalbey, John Henry, Cpl.
 U.S. Volunteer Signal Corps, Co. 12 (December 22, 1873 - July 14, 1959) Section A, 5051 Link
Daugherty, Joseph R., Pvt.
 4th Texas Volunteer Infantry, Co. C (February 15, 1879- October 29, 1940) (Section B 4151Link
Davis, Alexander, Pvt.
 9th U.S. Cavalry, Troop L (Died November 6,1951) (Section C 6321-A Link
Davis, Henry D., Pvt.
  3rd Tennessee Volunteer Infantry, Co. C (March 7,1878- June 22,1944) Section B 4281 Link
De Armond, Joseph Leonidas, Sgt.
 3rd Tennessee Volunteer Infantry, Co. C August 23, 1868- July 28, 1940) Section B 4145 Link
Darmond, Samuel
 3rd (U.S.) Artillery, Co. I (Aug. 4, 1872-March 10, 1969) Link
Decker, William, Pvt.
 4th Tennessee Volunteer Infantry, Co. F (January 14, 1877 - November 26, 1931) Section  B 3918 Link
Delozier, Joseph C., Pvt.
 3rd Tennessee Volunteer Infantry, Co. M (Died March 7, 1943) Section B 4236 Link
DeMarcus, Joe R., Pvt.
 3rd Alabama Volunteer Infantry, Co. H (August 1, 1867 - March 8, 1958) Section C 5656 Link
Dowse, Ralph P., Cpl.
 14th Minnesota Volunteer Infantry, Co. E (Died November 4, 1941) Section A 4177 Link
Dunn, Robert Oscar, Pvt.
 4th Tennessee Volunteer Infantry, Co. B (July 23, 1880 - July 28, 1953) Section B 6312 Link
Farmer, James S., Pvt.
 8th U.S. Infantry, Co. F (May 20, 1869 - November 28, 1955) Section B 5914 Link
Farer, William J., Pvt,
 4th Kentucky Volunteer Infantry, Co. L (January 31, 1875 - October 13, 1958) Section A, 4838 Link
Fitzgerald, Walter Marion, Capt.
 4th Tennessee Volunteer Infantry, Co. A., (February 10, 1868-Jan 28, 1906) Link
Galbraith, Robert, Cpl. 19th U.S. Infantry, Co. E (September 2, 1876-June 7, 1958) Section A, 4853 Link
Ganus, James, Pvt.
 9th Cavalry, Troop D (Died February 29, 1916) Section B 3542 Link
*Gibbons, John L, Pvt.
 4th Tennessee Volunteer Infantry, Co. L (Died September 13, 1898) Section C Grave 3229 Link
Gorman, Alexander, Pvt.
  9th U.S. Cavalry, Troop F (September 3, 1872 - December 24, 1939) Section C 4124 Link
Gregg, David
 6th U.S. Volunteer Infantry, (Died May 16, 1932) Section B 3928 Link
*Griffin, John. C., Cpl.
 8th U.S. Infantry, Co. H (April 15, 1873-August 11, 1898, Santiago, Cuba) Link
Hale, Robert Malone, Pvt.
 3rd Tennessee Volunteer Infantry, Co. I (September 21, 1879- April 2, 1945) Section B 4311 Link
Halfin, William W., Pvt.
 4th Missouri Volunteer Infantry, Co. C (Died August 27, 1943) Section B 4249 Link
Hall, Joseph W.
 3rd Tennessee Volunteer Infantry, Co. F (November 11, 1872 - October 12, 1948) Section B 4423 Link

Harvey, Hugh Lawson, Pvt.
 3rd Tennessee Volunteer Infantry, Co. C (October 15, 1872 - November 3, 1923) Section B 3767 Link
Hensley, John J., Pvt.
 3rd U.S. Volunteer Infantry, Co M. (March 31, 1874-Aug. 18, 1968) Section B 4710 Link
Hickey, Mack, Pvt.
 4th Tennessee Volunteer Infantry, Co. G (Died May 5, 1938) Section B 4076 Link
Hogan, Julius W., Pvt.
 4th Tennessee Volunteer Infantry, Co. I (January 18, 1879 - December 15, 1951) Section B 5919 Link
Howard, William, Pvt.
 2nd Alabama Volunteer Infantry, Co. L (October 29, 1877 - January 22, 1940) Section B 4126 Link
Hudson, Marion Sidney, Pvt.
 2nd Alabama Volunteer Infantry, Co. M Section B 4288 Link
Humbard, Samuel A., Pvt.
 6th U.S. Volunteer Infantry, Co. H (died October 12, 1943) Section B 4258 Link
Jarvis, John D.
 Hospital Corps (January 18, 1879 - October 14, 1964) Section D, 5495 Link
Jeffers, Harden, Pvt.
 2nd Tennessee Volunteer Infantry, Co. H (Died June 20,1937) Section B 4057 Link
Johnson, Robert
 19th U.S. Infantry, Co. K (March 16, 1873 - November 7, 1954) Section B 4908 Link
Johnson, William E., Pvt.
 6th U.S. Volunteer Infantry, Co I.,( 1878 - October 22, 1898) Link

Kimbrough, JOHN W.
 1st South Carolina Volunteer Infantry, Co. E (Died February 22, 1925) Link
King, James H., Pvt.
 2nd Virginia Volunteer Infantry, Co. M (Died February 1, 1939) Section B 4095 Link
Lakey, William C., Pvt.
 3rd Tennessee Volunteer Infantry, Co. F (Died January 31, 1944) Section B 4093 Link

Lane, William C. Pvt.
 6th U.S. Volunteer Infantry, Co. I (May 20, 1874 - December 13, 1961) Section B 4266 Link
Lindsay, George Washington
 4th Tennessee Volunteer Infantry, Co. A (April 3, 1876 - November 26, 1964) Section D, 5447 Link
Long, Joseph, Pvt.
 3rd Tennessee Volunteer Infantry, Co. F (Died October 25, 1941) Section B 4174 Link
Long, William, Cook
 4th Kentucky Volunteer Infantry, Co. M (March 19, 1872 - November 24, 1958) Section A 4696 Link
Lotz, Alvin J.
 1st Ohio Volunteer Infantry, Co. B (February 22, 1880 - January 26, 1981) Section C 7343 Link
Lusby, John Moses, Fireman 2nd Class
 U.S. Navy (December 25, 1881 - October 17, 1969) Section C 6386 Link
Luttrell, Jack W., Pvt.
 3rd Tennessee Volunteer Infantry, Co. K (Died August 17, 1931) Section B 3911 Link
Lyle, James F. Pvt.
 3rd Virginia Volunteer Infantry, Co. L (Died October 17, 1941) Section A 4173 Link
Marshall, Carlos B., Pvt.
 51st Iowa Volunteer Infantry, Co. D (Died December 6, 1948) Section A 5698 Link

*McCorkle, Henry Leftwhich, 1st. Lt.
 25th U.S. Infantry, Co. G (April 20, 1867 - July 1, 1898) Link
 McHone, Charles W.
 6th U.S. Volunteer Infantry, Co. H Link
McMillan, Richard, Pvt.
 8th U.S. Volunteer Infantry, Co. B (Nov. 23, 1873-Oct. 19, 1963) Section C  Site 5163 Link
Meier, Frederick, Artificer
 18th U.S. Infantry, Co. D (December 7, 1872 - December 26, 1953) Section B Site 5746 Link
Merrideth, John, Pvt.
 6th U.S. Volunteer Infantry, Co. G (Died June 7, 1914) Section B 16 3523 Link
Messer, John A.
 4th Tennessee Volunteer Infantry, Co. L (Died November 4, 1903) Section C 3337 Link
Miller, Andrew J.
 4th Tennessee Volunteer Infantry, Co. M (September 4, 1875 - March 6, 1961) Section D, 4460 Link
Miller, William H., Pvt.
 6th U.S. Volunteer Infantry, Co. I (March 27, 1877 - March 7, 1952) (Plot B 5931 Link
*Mills, George G., Pvt.
 1st West Virginia Volunteer Infantry. Co. B (Died November 18, 1898) Section C Grave 3235 Link

Mitchell, James R. Pvt.
 2nd North Carolina Volunteer Infantry, Co. M (Died May 9, 1940) Section B 4139 Link
Moore, William E., 1st Sgt.
 11th U.S. Infantry, Co. I (December 1, 1871 - June 23, 1957) Section A, 4473, Link
Norman, Rex, Pvt.
 1st Alabama Volunteer Infantry, Co. C (October 22, 1876 - November 4, 1948) Section B 6459 Link
O'Neal, David, Pvt.
  4th Tennessee Volunteer Infantry, Co. E (Died February 4, 1941)(Section B, Site 4156 Link
Parsley, Jesse S.
 3rd Tennessee Volunteer Infantry, Co. G (October 18, 1877 - August 19, 1955) (Section B, 5202 Link
Pate, William F. Sgt.
 6th U.S. Volunteer Infantry, Co. F (Died March 9, 1936) Section B 4071 Link
Patrick, Thomas, Pvt.
 4th Tennessee Volunteer Infantry, Co. M (December 16, 1867 - December 10, 1947) Plot B 6244 Link
Payne, Thomas
 4th Tennessee Volunteer Infantry, Co. E (Died March 8, 1909) Section C 3428 Link
Pearson, Theodore J., Pvt.
 1st South Carolina Volunteer Infantry, Co. B (Died July 19, 1946) Section B 4376 Link

Phelps, John A., Pvt.
 4th Tennessee Volunteer Infantry, Co. I (Died May 18, 1938) Section B 4080 Link
Price, Isaac B., Cpl.
 1st Alabama Volunteer Infantry, Co. M (May 4, 1874 - January 6, 1944) Section B 4269 Link
Price, James Calvin, Pvt.
 3rd Tennessee Volunteer Infantry, Co. H (February 23, 1877 - November 28, 1948) Section A 5688 Link

Raby, Sidney A.
 2nd North Carolina Volunteer Infantry, Co. C (September 8, 1871- August 24, 1963) Section D, 5194 Link
Reed, Charles
 24th U.S. Infantry, Co. C (Died May 6, 1934) Section C 3972, Link
Retherford, H. L., Pvt.
 3rd Tennessee Volunteer Infantry, Co. F (Died December 25, 1940) Section B 4153, Link
Ruckart, William P. Pvt.
 4th Tennessee Volunteer Infantry, Co. E (Died December 31, 1944) Section A 4297 Link

Runyan, William, Pvt.
 8th U.S. Infantry, Co. L (Died June 28, 1941) Section B 4164 Link
Sexton, William A.
 4th Tennessee Volunteer Infantry, Co. B (December 5, 1877 - February 8, 1936) Section B 4019 Link

Shehan, Thomas E., Pvt.
 4th Tennessee Volunteer Infantry, Co. D (April 6, 1862? - June 27, 1946) Plot B 4372 Link

*Shoopman, John F., Pvt.
 4th Tennessee Volunteer Infantry, Co. H (Died September 21, 1898)(Section C Grave 3227 Link

Simpson, Jesse, Pvt.
 4th Kentucky Volunteer Infantry, Co. H (September 1, 1873 - April 29, 1954) (Section B, 5323 Link

Smith, Robert M.
 12th U.S. Infantry, Co. E (June 12, 1868 – October 7, 1954) Section B 5317 Link

Snyder, Charles W., Pvt.
 3rd Tennessee Volunteer Infantry, Co. F (December 15, 1879 - July 15, 1952) Section B 6261 Link
Starkey, William T.
 3rd Tennessee Volunteer Infantry, Co. I (October 22, 1877 - January 26, 1952) Link
Steele, Robert W., Pvt.
 3rd U.S. Volunteer Engineers, Co. E (Died March 26, 1946) Section B 4357, Link
Stone, Hewitt V., Pvt.
 3rd U.S. Volunteer Engineers, Co. K (September 28, 1876 - October 3, 1937) Section B 4022 Link
Sweet, James H., Cpl.
 8th U.S. Infantry, Co. L (September 12, 1878 - March 31, 1956) Section B 4597 Link
Taylor, John
 2nd U.S. Infantry, Co. K (June 27, 1879 - May 12, 1955) Section B 4919 Link
Taylor, Lemuel
 9th U.S. Cavalry, Troop C (January 27, 1866 - February 16, 1962) Section C 4752 Link
Taylor, Robert L., Pvt.
 1st Tennessee Volunteer Infantry (February 18, 1873 - April 28, 1945) Section B 4317 Link
Tyree, William, Pvt.
 1st West Virginia Volunteer Infantry (Died February 8, 1931)(Plot B 3900 Link
Underdown, Sherman, Pvt.
 9th U.S. Cavalry, Troop I (April 3, 1875 - May 13, 1965) Section B 6869 Link
Valentine, Leo
 24th U.S. Infantry, Co. I (October 12, 1880 - July 12, 1961) (Section C 4769 Link
Vance, Charles, Pvt.
  9th U.S. Cavalry, Troop E (Nov. 18, 1879-January 22, 1962) Section C 4755 Link
Vess, David, Pvt.
 4th Tennessee Volunteer Infantry, Co. F (Died December 22, 1941) Section B 4182 Link
Wespy, Charles, Pvt.
 3rd Tennessee Volunteer Infantry, Co. F, (January 13, 1874 - May 2, 1953) Section: B 5766 Link
Williams, William W.
 4th Tennessee Volunteer Infantry, Co. B ( June 1, 1880 - July 14, 1953) Section B 5771 Link
Wilson, Elijah B. Cpl.
 25th U.S. Infantry, Co. K (February 22, 1878 - September 13, 1935) Section B 4011 Link

Wood, Smith J., Pvt.
 1st Tennessee Volunteer Infantry, Co. L (Died April 21, 1921)(Plot B16 3667 Link
Wright, William, Pvt.
 3rd Tennessee Volunteer Infantry Co. C (March 19, 1872- March 6, 1945) Section B 4284 Link
Yarnell, George W., Pvt.
 8th U.S. Infantry, Co E. (March 9, 1882- November 26, 1924) Section B 153796 Link